Monday, April 23, 2012

Smart Advertising at the Gas Pump

Problem: Pumping gas is something we all do. But what do you do as you pump? Stand there and look around counting down the cents and seconds on the gas pump until you fill up your tank. 

Solution: For those gas station owners who want to make some extra money on advertising, why not install pump triggered monitors which run advertisements and commercials that the person pumping could watch while getting his or her gas. We are bombarded with advertising on a daily basis so why not exploit another opportunity which would get the persons attention and hold it for the next minute or two. 

New-Product Strategy: Advertisers are looking for new ways to advertise to the public and are investing in shorter commercials and innovating advertisemnt placement. Why not target people when they are standing idle waiting for their gas tanks to fill. This idea has been implemented in only a few shell gas station locations but is definitely a gold mine for advertisers and gas station owners alike. Peoples attention will be focused on the 30 second commercials which will be triggered by the gas pump as the driver starts pumping. To take it a step further the system can use the already present security cameras to identify the make and model of the car and display an advertisement related to the type of person that would own that kind of car. 

Idea Generation: I have seen such a product in  select Shell Gas Station locations but i think that this is product can be improved and definitely more wide spread. 

Idea Screening: This would be a great way for advertising companies to reach more people and target certain car markets as well as for gas station owners to bring in extra revenue from selling advertisements that will run on the system.

Concept Development and Testing: The product already exists but it needs to be improved and marketed better to increase use and spread the system in areas that don't currently have anything similar. The security cameras many gas stations have should be utilized to register and recognize vehicle make and model in order to play appropriate advertisement.  

Marketing Strategy Development: The marketing strategy would be simple. Target high traffic ares and pitch directly to the gas station owners giving them a good reason to invest in the product and collect the advertisement payments from those who want to advertise. 

Business Analysis: The idea is very investing and companies would love to advertise in such an attention grabbing location. Local companies and car industries would benefit from such a product thus want to invest in the extra advertising instead of putting a billboard that will become a part of the scenery and be bypassed everyday. 

Development: A president already exists and it would simple and relatively inexpensive to install the monitors into the already electronic gas pumps. What would need more attention in the development process is the vehicle identification software that would work with the security camera systems.

Test Marketing:  There is already a market that could be used a president. This new system would be simply pitched to new areas and different types of gas stations to rase awareness and promote more advertising opportunities and revenue sources for business owners. A professional pitch and presentation would be developed to be delivered by sales representatives who will cover specific ares of high traffic. 

Commercialization:  Introducing the new smart feature would be the hook which is used to advertise to the public. The trained sales representatives would be the ones pitching the idea to their assigned areas. Once the system catches on in the high traffic ares there is no reason that smaller ares and gas stations wont fallow. 

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